colic abdomen pain
Get the best colic abdomen pain treatment in India
A severe paroxysmal pain in the abdomen could be due to spasm, obstruction or distention of one of the hollow viscera.
Hepatic colic the severe pain produced by the passage of a gallstone from the liver or gall bladder through the bile duct.
Intestinal colic pain due to distention of the intestines by gas.
Renal colic the severe pain produced by the passage of a calculus from the kidney through the ureter.
- In renal colic, check uric acid in blood and urine, USG abdomen and pelvis to find [Read renal stone chapter] and KUB [Kidney Urinary Bladder], x-ray
- In small intestinal colic, there will be pain around the umbilicus.
- It may be due to worm and amoebic colitis.
- In pain around the umbilical region, vomiting and abdominal distension think of intestinal obstruction.
- Large intestine colics are relieved by passing motion. The sigmoid colon is the commonest site for colic pain.
- There are conditions like hepatic flexure syndrome, splenic flexure syndrome.
- Management is based on independent conditions.
- If the abdominal pain is acute in the upper abdomen, reflex esophagitis, unstable angina, hiatus hernia, gastritis, gallstone colic, gastric ulcer, and pancreatitis are the cause to be considered.
- If the pain is in the central abdomen, small bowel obstruction, mesenteric artery occlusions are common.
- If the pain is in the lateral abdomen, pyelonephritis, renal calculi, ureteric calculus, appendicitis, and salpingitis are to be considered.
- If the pain is in the hypogastric region, ulcerative colitis, cystitis, PID, pelvic endometriosis should be thought off.

Treatment Principle of Colic, pain Abdomen
Most of the colic pain can be visualized with the concept of sula, Udavarta, & vata gulma. Vata kaphahara and anulomana therapy is the choice.
- If the colic pain is because of the passage of gall stone better not give anything orally. Modern pain killers are very much effective.
- For colicystitis the detailed treatment is discussed else where
- For intestinal colic
- Gandarvahastadi kasayam - 60 ml morning and night before food.
- Ciravilvadi kasayam- 60 ml morning and night before food.
- Kalasakadi kasayam- 60 ml morning and night before food.
- Nayopayam kasayam - 60 ml morning and night before food.
- Indukantham kasayam- 60 ml morning and night before food.
- Sapthsaram kasayam- 60 ml morning and night before food.
- Dhanvantram gulika -2-0-2 after food.
- Hinguvacadi gulika -2-0-2 after food.
- Sanga vati - 2-0-2 after food
- Vilvadi gulika -2-0-2 after food.
- Andrakutara gulika -2-0-2 after food.
- Himcospas (HImalaya) can be given 2 table (4 hourly)
- Abhayaristam - 25 ml morning and night after food
- Duralabaristam - 25 ml morning and night after food
- Dantiyaristam - 25 ml morning and night after food
- Pippalyasavan - 25 ml morning and night after food
- Lehyam
- Parusakadi lehyam - 1 teaspoon morning and night after food.
- Vilvadi lehyam - 1 teaspoon morning and night after food.

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